Hoosiers for Opportunity, Prosperity & Enterprise is guided by a deep respect for the inherent rights and autonomy of the individual. We strive to create an Indiana where merit, self-reliance and innovation are celebrated. Through rigorous research, thoughtful analysis, and respectful discourse, Hoosiers for Opportunity, Prosperity and Enterprise works to shape public policy that empowers individuals to pursue their dreams and aspirations without unnecessary constraints.

Empowering Individuals
HOPE seeks to empower the individual through public policy. We believe policies that provide people with more freedom and opportunities to pursue their dreams are essential to economic development. Additionally, we support initiatives that foster personal growth, self-reliance, and a strong sense of community, all aimed at helping individuals achieve their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.

Free Enterprise
HOPE is focusing on policies that strengthen the economy by supporting measures that protect independent businesses making taxes and regulations less burdensome. We believe that when businesses and investors feel secure we remove obstacles for future growth.

Education Choice
HOPE is focuesd on enhancing the quality of education for families by expanding their educational options. Enabling parents to choose the best option for their children's education regardless of income or geography, we advocate for policies that provide educational choice. By providing this opportunity, we believe families will realize improved educational outcomes and ultimatley a more prosperous future.

Healthcare Freedom
HOPE's mission is to enhance healthcare accessibility by promoting increased competition in healthcare. Our approach centers around reducing regulatory burdens and fostering a competitive environment to drive down costs and elevate the standard of care. By advocating for a free-market approach to healthcare, we believe individuals will gain more choices and opportunities, leading to greater accessibility and affordability for all.

Modernizing, Streamlining,
Reducing Government
HOPE believes that individual efforts make a healthy and prosperous society not government growth or spending. HOPE will work to identify and support policies that modernize, streamline and reduce government in scale and scope. Government at every level can and should live within its means. Too often government moves beyond essential services; HOPE is focused on pushing government back to its proper place and supporting efficiencies and technologies that will make government both smaller and smarter.

A Safer and Secure Future
HOPE knows that the rule of law is a bedrock principle of any productive and vibrant society. HOPE is fully committed to supporting law enforcement and ensuring people and property are protected. HOPE will endorse policies and programs that promote our public safety officers and provide law enforcement the tools they need to keep criminals off the street.